Fal Holding
- Chaired by Fahad Mohammed Al Athel ,GROUP VISION FAL HOLDINGS is considered one of the top companies in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
- FAL HOLDINGS’ investments cover most vital areas of business. These investments continue to expand throughout the major Arab and European countries as well as in the Americas and Asia.
- FAL HOLDINGS headquarters is located in the middle of the commercial area of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.
- The vision of the group has always been to "DEVELOP TOWARDS THE BEST. " This vision is accomplished through a variety of investments covering all major economic sectors thereby helping move forward the national economy of the Kingdom forward. This movement will be served best both locally and internationally by utilizing the vast experience of Mr. Fahad Al Athel, the Chairman and the Board of Directors of the Group in the following ways:
- Concentrating on Industrial Sector
- International investments and
- Variety of investments and finance
- Al Amthal Financing & Leasing Co Ltd
- Al Ramla Medical Services - OMC
- Arab Center for Heart & Plastic Surgery
- Astoon Medical Services Co
- BILFAL Heavy Industries Co Ltd
- Changeagent for Arab Dev. & Education Reform
- Detecon AISaudia Co Ltd
- FAL Arabian Food Industries
- FAL Factory for Food Manufacturing
- FAL Hotels Group
- GAMA Clinical Co Ltd
- GAMA Services Ltd
- International Medical Dev. Co. Ltd.
- Madac International for Medical Products
- Plastic Surgery & Dermatology
- Saudi Cosmetics Co
- Saudi Fal Co Ltd
- Saudi Undewater Services Co Ltd
- AI Bilad Concrete Pipe Co. Ltd.
- AI Bilad Fire Fighting Systems Ltd.
- Al Bustan Hotel
- Al Rafie Hospital - Makkah
- Al Wedyan National Co for Food Products Ltd
- FAL Agriculture
- FAL Fishing Farms
- FAL Motors Co Ldt
- FAL Real Estate Co.
- FAL Residential Compound
- FAL Shopping Center
- FAL Travel & Tourism
- Happy Home
- International Ductile Iron Pipes Co Ltd
- M & M Company Ltd.
- FAL Aviation Co. Ltd.
- Saudi Gulf Hydraulics Co Ltd
- Space Gulf Trading Co Ltd
- FAL Aviation UK Ltd.
- FAL Coffee Inc.
- FAL Foods USA Inc.
- FAL Healthy Beverages Co.
- FAL Shipyard & Marketing
- London Ashford Airport Ltd.
- Lydd Golf Club & Driving Range Ltd.
- Montazah Cotes de Carthage
- Phoenix Aero Engineering Ltd.
- Saudi FAL - Mechanique
- Yacthley Shipyard
The Group was first established in 1977 under the name of "SAUDI FAL COMPANY." Following further expansion and development through the establishment of other sister companies as per market need, in 1993 the legal form change to a new company " FAL HOLDINGS ARABIA Co. Ltd." Under this company’s umbrella many activities were initiated that cover but not limited to:
- Financial Sector:
- FALCOM Financial Services
- Medical Services:
- General Arabian Medical & Allied Services Ltd. (GAMA)
- Arabian Medical Hospital Supply Co. Ltd. (AMSHCO)
- Arabian Diagnostic & Medical Co. Ltd. (ADAMCO)
- Partners in Medical Services:
- Astoon Hospital
- Obaji Hospital
- Olaya Medical Center
- Reayah Hospital
- Agriculture
- FAL Agriculture Establishment has the following branches:
- Salsa Factory
- Alwedyan
- Jeezan Farms
- Real Estates:
- FAL Company for Real Estate
- FAL Beach Resort
- Diving Village
- FAL Compound
- Jeddah & Madeenah Hotels
- Travel and aviation services:
- FAL Travel & Tours
- SAMCO for Aviation Services
- Heavy Industries:
- BILFAL Heavy Industries for Heavy Equipments Manufacturing
- International Ductile Iron Pipes Co. (INDIPCO)
- Mr. Fahad Mohammed Al-Athel, MBA Chairman & CEO of the FAL Holding
- Chairman & CEO and founder of the Group, who is ultimately responsible for all of the operations.
- After receiving his M.B.A. degree from the University of Santa Clara, in the United States, Mr. Al-Athel returned to Saudi Arabia where he entered the competitive world of business and became well established as one of the Kingdom's, as well as the world’s, most prominent businesspersons.
- In addition to his successful group of companies, Mr. Al-Athel also carries other responsibilities as the CEO of another major Saudi group, and he sits on the boards of several major commercial companies.
- Mr. Fahad Al-Athel is also a major international investor in both established banking, commercial and industrial companies as well as investing in a number of start-up and research and development projects.
H.E. Dr.Saleh A. Al-Athel, Ph.D. President & Deputy Chairman
- H.E. Dr.Saleh Abdulrahman Al-Athel is the Senior Vice Prisedent and Deputy Chairman of the Board of FAL Holdings Arabia Co., Ltd., the parent company of GAMA, as well as the Deputy Chairman of the Boards of all companies under FAL Holding.
- Dr. Al-Athel obtained his PhD. in Applied Mechanics in 1971 from Stanford University, in the United States. In 1968, he obtained his Masters in Engineering Mechanics from the same University. Prior to that in1965, he obtained his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas.
- Dr. Al-Athel held the position of Minister and President of King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) from 1984 to 2008. From 1976 to 1984, he was Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research at the King Saud University (KSU), Riyadh and from 1975 to 1976, he was Dean of the College of Engineering at KSU.
- Dr. Al-Athel is a Member of the following Honor Societies:
- Tau Beta Pi - Pi Tau Sigma ; Sigma Xi - Phi Kappa Phi
- He is also a Member of the following Scientific Academies:
- Third World Academy of Sciences; Islamic Academy of Sciences
- In addition, he is a Member of the following Councils:
- Higher Council for Petroleum & Minerals - Higher Council for Higher Education
- Civil Service Council - King Faisal International Prize - Sultan bin Abdulaziz Foundation
- King Khalid Award - Military Industries Corporation - Ministerial Com. for Environ. & Develop - Nat'l Com. for Wildlife Conserv. & Develop - King Saud University
- King Fahad Univ. of Petroleum & Minerals - King Abdulaziz University
- King Faisal University - Imam Mohammed bin Saud University
- King Abdulaziz Research Center - King Faisal Center for Reseach
- Dr. Al-Athel is responsible for overseeing the activities of the Group's operations as well as offering advice and bringing new business opportunities to the attention of the Chairman.
- Dr. Al-Athel reports directly to the Chairman & CEO.
- Mr. Bader Fahad M. S. Al-Athel, B.A Senior VP & Deputy CEO, FAL Holding of Companies
- Mr. Bader Al-Athel graduated from Portland State University in Oregon, U.S.A., in June 2007 and obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Management.
- He joined FALCOM Financial Services in September 2007, attached to the Investment Banking Group, and served the organization for well over a year.
- In January 2009, he joined FAL Holdings Arabia Company Limited (FAL Holding), and is currently the Senior Vice President & Deputy CEO of the Group.
- Mr. Mohammed Fahad M. S. Al-Athel, B.A Chairman's Advisor for HR & Administrative
- Vice President for Human Resources & Administrative Affairs, FAL Holdingof Companies
- Mr. Mohammed Al-Athel graduated from Marylhurst University in Oregon, U.S.A, in December 2009 and he earned his Bachelor of Art degree in Business Leadership.
- He joined FALCOM Financial Services in January 2010 attached to the Human Resources group and he served in that organization for well over a year.
- In February 2010, he Joined FAL Holdings Arabia Co. Ltd. (FAL Holding), and is currently the Vice President for Human Resources & Administrative Affairs of the Group.
- Mr. Turki Fahad M. S. Al-Athel, B.A. Assistant Chairman – Business Development, FAL Holding & President of Saudi Fal Controls Division.
- Mr. Turki Al-Athel graduated from Portland Stated University in Oregon, U.S.A. in August 2009 and obtained Bachelor of Arts degree in Real Estate Finance.
- He joined Falcom Finance Services in October 2009 attached to Assistant Management and served the organization for a period of time.
- In January 2010, He joined FAL Holdings Arabia Co. Ltd. (FAL Holding), and is currently the Assistant Chairman of Business Development of the Group .